My 1st Trimester

Since finding out that we were pregnant, we decided to wait until our 12 week scan before telling anyone. I guess I wasn't totally expecting what was too come in my first 3 months, but I got there.

My appetite totally changed, I went from been able to eat anything in site pretty much to being very picky. I don't think I've ever been that picky about food in my adult life, but it was an experience.

I had nausea, but there was only 2 or 3 days where sickness really bothered me. I think I found myself telling my OH that I don't think I've felt that ill in those 3 months than I ever have in my life. But it's all part of the process. As your body adapts, many things change including hormones, skin and urinary system.

Tiredness also effected me. I found that I could easily go for a nap every day for about a hour or so, and I loved it!

As I'm coming to the end of my 2nd trimester, I will do another post in a couple of days on this. :)


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